Exchange Program to the US

The KF Exchange Program to the US is designed for Polish scholars who want to conduct field or archival research, visit a lab, complete an artist residency or artistic project, or teach in US institutions.
Every year, we award approximately 40 scholars with grants and fellowships worth over $600,000. Our awardees conduct their research at top-ranking universities, including Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, Yale University, University of California (Berkeley), Columbia University, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Duke University and Cornell University.
Awards are open to all disciplines.
Who can apply: Polish citizens who are PhD students, academic scholars, advanced post-doctoral fellows, instructors, assistant professors, researchers, and artists.
This program is made possible thanks to generous donations from individuals dedicated to fostering scholarly and scientific exchanges between Poland and the United States.
Excited about the program? We’ve got some useful tips to help with the application process (in Polish)
Program details
- Applications are closed!
- Application for ACADEMIC YEAR 2025/2026
are closed. - Shortlisted candidates invited to interviews:
- January 2025
- Interviews in Warsaw:
- February 17 to 20, 2025 – Humanities
February 21, 2025 - Law and Economy
February 24 to February 28, 2025- Sciences - Recipients of the fellowships/grants notified:
- By the end of March 2025
- The new application cycle will open from
- May 15, 2025, for the academic year 2026/2027
- The new application cycle will close:
- Extended deadline: November 15, 2025 at 23:59 PM (EST)
- Contact us:
- Gosia Szymanska
Program and Operations Manager
(212) 734-2130 ext. 413 - If you wish to be notified about grant opportunities please send an email to:
The Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowships for:
- postdoctoral research in the U.S. for 3 – 6 months
- advanced post-doctoral fellows, instructors and assistant professors (or equivalent)
- must hold a doctorate degree at the time of application
The Kosciuszko Foundation Grants for:
- graduate research in the U.S. for 3 – 6 months
- graduate students and research staff
- must hold a Master’s degree or equivalent at the time of application
The Kosciuszko Foundation Teaching Fellowships for:
- faculty members to teach classes at U.S. universities, for up to 9 months
- the lectures should focus on Polish Studies, including Polish language teaching and Polish culture
- Teaching Fellows may pursue research while lecturing
There are no restrictions to fields of study/research for any of the above grants and fellowships.
The Kosciuszko Foundation follows a policy of equal opportunity and does not discriminate against any person because of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age.
Only Polish citizens and “Karta Polaka” holders permanently residing in Poland are eligible. Poles living outside of Poland may NOT participate in this program.
Dual citizens (the United States and Poland) as well as individuals holding the United States permanent residency status (Green Card) are not eligible. For scholarships for American citizens, please visit our Domestic Scholarships Programs.
Applicants must hold at least M.A. or M.S. degree. The preference is given to doctoral or postdoctoral candidates.
Candidates need to submit a certificate of employment or enrollment in doctoral studies issued by a Polish academic institution.
Applicants must have strong English language proficiency, sufficient to participate effectively in formal and informal conversations on practical, social, and professional topics and to carry out the proposed study/research. English proficiency will be assessed during personal interviews in Warsaw.
An applicant has to be eligible for the U.S. exchange visitor J-1 visa.
There are no restrictions to fields of study/research.
Repeat participation – All participants are subject to a 3-year ban on “repeat participation,” which means you can apply for another KF grant or fellowship only after three full years since the completion of the KF grant/fellowship.
- Fellowships and grants are awarded for up to 6 months; only Teaching Fellowships are awarded for up to 9 months.
- Monthly grant amount is usually around $4,000 per month to cover living/accommodation costs and may depend on the location,
- Access to the Kosciuszko Alumni in the U.S. and Poland for social and professional networking.
- Assistance of the Kosciuszko Foundation with administration, visas and general inquiries.
- The award cannot be paid prior to arrival in the United States.
The grants/fellowships do not cover:
- Travel and living expenses of dependents.
- Short-term academic visits to present a paper at a conference or attend a seminar or training,
- Publications.
Step # 1: Submit your application
Application form will appear here in May 2025.
Supporting documents:
As part of the application, you must upload the following required documents from (a) to (g), additional documents (h) are only for those applying for teaching fellowships, visual art projects, literary writers, journalists, and critics.
a) A well-defined proposal (no more than 500 words) with a specific study/research plan. Proposals exceeding 500 words by more than 15% will not be considered. There is no template for a successful project proposal as each project is unique. Applicants are encouraged to have someone outside of their area of specialization read their project proposal for clarity, formatting, and specificity as well as general proofreading. Teaching fellowship applicants unless they want to conduct simultaneously research and teaching projects, they do not need to submit a research proposal.
b) A current invitation from a U.S. educational institution (a host letter) where the applicant plans to conduct research/studies. You must secure your placement or affiliation. The KF does not assist in establishing contacts. You can only submit one host letter unless your research involves conducting it in more than one institution. The letter can include as much information as the department or faculty host wishes to include. However, certain information is required.
- Host Department, the visitor’s Visiting Scholar status, and dates of visit. For example: It is my pleasure to invite you to visit the Department of Materials Science and Engineering as a Visiting Scholar for the period July 1, 2020 – October 31, 2020.
- Purpose of the visit and/or what the visitor will be doing. For example: The purpose of your visit is to collaborate with Dr. Smith on research in the area of Physics. You will be conducting research in the area of XYZ. You will be teaching a course in Polish entitled “XYZ.”
- Resources available to the visitor (computer, office space, internet access, lab space, etc.). For example: Though we cannot at this time guarantee any office space for you, you will have a workspace in the XYZ Lab. Also, we cannot provide a computer for you, but we can provide you with internet access if you bring your own machine.
- Original letter must be signed with institutional letterhead, in PDF format.
c) Curriculum Vitae, including a list of relevant and recent publications of which the applicant is the principal author. The Curriculum Vitae describes academic credentials and demonstrates a record of scholarly achievements. When composing a Curriculum Vitae, it is essential to include:
- Education (universities attended, degrees earned, and dates received)
- Professional positions held
- Courses taught and other services provided to students and the home institution.
- Publications (provide full citations and list them starting with the most recent).
- Other professional activities, such as workshops, seminars and consultations.
- Membership and activities in professional associations.
- Professional honors, awards and fellowships.
Please do not include a photo on your CV.
d) A scan of the applicant’s highest degree diploma.
e) A scan of the applicant’s passport ID page. If you do not have a passport you can upload a Polish ID (dowod osobisty).
f) A current photograph of yourself. Your photo isn’t used to determine eligibility but is vital for donor relations. If awarded, your photo will be an important part of your scholarship profile. Provide a photo that is at least 500KB and the highest resolution possible (300 dpi preferred).
- All photos must meet the following requirements:
- At least 500KB
- High resolution
- A clear face shot, no sunglasses
- Suitable for the KF publications to include: our website, newsletters, donor communications, and/or event materials.
g) A certificate of employment or enrollment in doctoral studies issued by a Polish institution. A certificate of employment or enrollment in doctoral studies can be issued in Polish and has to be issued after July 1, 2024.
h) Additional documents:
Literary writers, journalists, and critics must support their research proposal with significant samples of their work.
Visual artists are required to submit catalogs, photographs, slides, or videos of their work. All submitted materials are nonreturnable. These may also be mailed.
Applicants for the Teaching Fellowship should attach a Teaching Plan (Course Syllabus).
Secure three recommendation letters and have your recommenders send them directly to
Requirements of a Recommendation letter:
- The authors should be the three individuals who can best speak to your ability to carry out the project being proposed.
- At least two of the letters must be from individuals with academic rank of Professor (i.e. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Profesor Uczelni), while one letter can be from an individual who does not have an academic rank of Professor but has a Ph.D. degree.
- At least one author must be from outside of your home institution.
- Anyone who serves as a recommender may not also provide the applicant with an invitation letter.
- References from relatives are not permitted.
Content of the recommendation letter:
- Letters should be addressed to the Kosciuszko Foundation Academic Advisory Committee.
- Recommendations should evaluate your professional work and your proposed project.
- Recommendation letters should be in English, issued on institutional letterhead and signed.
- The letter should be submitted as a PDF file.
- Recommenders (not applicants) must send their letters directly to the Kosciuszko Foundation at from an institutional email address. Recommendations sent by the applicant will not be considered.
Step # 3:
In-person interviews in Poland, Warsaw
Each application is initially assessed by the Kosciuszko Foundation’s Academic Advisory Committee which selects candidates who qualify for interviews.
All interviews must be attended in person by the applicant. Those who are unable to attend an interview will be advised to reapply the following year. Interviews will be scheduled January 2025 and will be conducted between: 17 to 28, February 2025.
February 17 to 20, 2025 – Humanities
February 21, 2025 – Law and Economy
February 24 to 28, 2025 – Sciences
Interviews are held back-to-back, over several days. The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship Commission panel members interview dozens of applicants, which means that once you have been assigned a date and time of your interview, any rescheduling will be impossible.
The purpose of the interviews is to confirm that the candidate can communicate effectively, can demonstrate the skills described in the application materials, and has the potential for contributing to the chosen area of study or research.
Scholarship Commission
The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship Commission comprises representatives from relevant professional fields, senior academics, The KF alumni and The KF staff. We make sure that at least one scholar representing your discipline is always present.
Interview structure:
Interviews are conducted only in English
Each candidate will be interviewed individually for approximately 30 minutes. The general structure of the interview consists of:
- 15-minute Project Presentation: During this 15 minute you should shortly introduce yourself and then present your project/research proposal. You can prepare a PowerPoint presentation. A computer with Windows will be available, but you can bring your own (we are not responsible for any connection failures of your equipment). Do not exceed the 15-minute time limit.
- 15-minute Q&A session
After the interviews are completed, all applicants are ranked in order of preference by the Commission to determine the nominations for Fellowships/Grants that will be forwarded to the Kosciuszko Foundation Board.
In addition to academic excellence, the Kosciuszko Foundation is also looking for ambassadorial skills and a desire to further the Kosciuszko Foundation’s mission upon return to Poland. We are looking for someone who can convince the committee that he or she:
- presents a valuable project and will implement it successfully,
- will have positive effects on their areas of specialization,
- will represent Poland and the Kosciuszko Foundation positively.
Candidates are selected based on various factors, which may include but are not limited to:
- Academic requirements
- Project feasibility
- Site of acceptance
- Personal qualifications (maturity, adaptability, communication skills, ambassadorial qualities)
- English language proficiency
- Available funds
Award announcements
The KF Selection Committee submits the nominations for Fellowships/Grant to the Kosciuszko Foundation Board for approval. The number of Fellowships on offer varies from year to year, depending on available funds.
All applicants will be notified of the outcome last week of March.
The Kosciuszko Foundation will not make any comments on individual applications or give any explanations regarding the final result.
If you were accepted for selection interviews but unfortunately were not selected you can re-apply through a simplified procedure.
Applications of unsuccessful candidates are valid for two years only. To be reconsidered for grant/fellowship in the next academic year, you need to submit to
(1) a letter requesting reconsideration
(2) a letter confirming the applicant’s continued institutional academic affiliation in Poland
(3) an updated invitation from a United States academic institution.
You do not need to submit any other documents nor application form.
All participants of the KF Exchange Program to the United States are obliged to purchase health and accident insurance coverage. The KF can assist in purchasing the insurance, in which case you will be notified of the amount and extent of your insurance coverage. All questions regarding health and accident insurance coverage should be directed to the insurer and not the KF. It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that the insurer provides adequate insurance for their needs, and to arrange additional coverage if necessary. The Kosciuszko Foundation is not liable for any loss, damage or injury, which a participant may suffer during their time as the KF Exchange Program to the United States participant. By accepting the award, the participant agrees to waive any right they may have to take action against the Kosciuszko Foundation to recover any loss or make any claim for damages.
The KF Exchange Program participants are required to submit mid-term and final reports of their research to the Kosciuszko Foundation. Any delay in submitting the reports may result in blacklisting the participant and financial consequences.
All participants must acknowledge the Kosciuszko Foundation in any publication and/or broadcast resulting from their visit to the United States under the KF auspices. Suggested credit line: This research has been made possible by the Kosciuszko Foundation. The American Centre of Polish Culture. A copy of any such publication should be passed to the Kosciuszko Foundation for permanent record.
Program participation may be postponed until a subsequent year only under exceptional circumstances and after being granted permission from the President of the Kosciuszko Foundation. An applicant must write an official request for postponement explaining why they are unable to conduct their research in the given academic year.
The KF reserves the right to revoke or terminate this award, should noncompliance with the provisions of the program warrant such action. Grounds upon which the KF may revoke this program include, but are not limited to, the following:
▪ violation of the laws of the U.S. or Poland,
▪ violation of U.S. immigration regulations
▪ misconduct
▪ engaging in any unlawful activity or activities that may bring the KF into disrepute
▪ engaging in unauthorized income-producing activities
▪ abusive or disrespectful behavior toward the KF or Host Institution staff or fellow participants
▪ failure to complete the program
▪ premature departure from the program
▪ failure to submit the reports required by the KF
▪ physical or mental incapacitation
Notify the KF immediately if you must end your program early. Note that your award payments will end upon your early departure.
The Kosciuszko Foundation takes the privacy of your personal data very seriously. This Privacy Policy applies to all information collected or submitted as part of the Exchange Program to the U.S. application process and its administration.
The use of your personal information is limited to the following:
Processing and reviewing applications
Communicating and answering questions about our application process and individual applications;
Administering our programs and awarding the KF fellowships and grants;
Providing ongoing services and communication to our Fellows and Grantees;
Sending e-mails and e-newsletters unless you opt out.
If you are accepted to the KF Exchange Program to the U.S., the information from your application and the other information you share with us will be used by the KF to administer the Exchange to the U.S. and for promotional purposes within the scope of the Kosciuszko Foundation mission.
Alumni management (including: membership administration, networking activities, direct marketing, etc.)
Our Commitment to data security
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to secure the information we collect online.
Although we take appropriate measures to safeguard against unauthorized disclosures of information, we cannot assure you that personally identifiable information that we collect will never be disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.