Become a KF member
or renew your membership

Joining the Kosciuszko Foundation means becoming an integral part of a community committed to the advancement of education and the celebration of Polish culture.

Your membership directly supports our efforts to create meaningful initiatives that bridge cultural understanding and promote mutual appreciation between the United States and Poland. It enables us to sustain and expand our programs, reaching a broader audience and making a lasting impact on the cultural landscape of the United States.

In the last academic year, thanks to our members and supporters, we awarded a record-breaking amount of $2 million in fellowships and grants to hundreds of students, scholars, scientists, and artists. Please help us keep these numbers growing to make a profound impact on the lives of those who benefit from our programs and initiatives.





(Only for full-time students)



Friendsā€™ Circle




Presidentā€™s Club


Chairmanā€™s Club


