Our Mission

Founded in 1925, the Kosciuszko Foundation promotes closer ties between Poland and the United States through educational, scientific and cultural exchanges. It awards up to $2 millions annually in fellowships and grants to graduate students, scholars, scientists, professionals, and artists, and promotes Polish culture in America. The Foundation has awarded scholarships and provided a forum to Poles who have changed history.

About us

What we do?

Scholarships and Grants

Over the Years, the KF Has Transformed the Lives of Thousands of Individuals Through its Educational Programs

Art & Music

For nearly a century we have been promoting knowledge about Poland, its culture, art, and history.


We organize events and programs dedicated to promoting Polish culture and arts in the U.S.


The Kosciuszko Foundation promotes scientific exchange between the U.S. and Poland and recognizes scientists of Polish origin and ancestry who have achieved recognition in America.

$233k+ In Special Grants Awarded
607 2023 TEIP Participants
23,127 SM Followers
$2M Awarded in Scholarships in 2023
122 Scholarship Recipients in 2021
10 Chapters

Our Partners

The Kosciuszko Foundation is dedicated to promoting educational and cultural exchanges between the United States and Poland and increasing American understanding of Polish culture and history.