Caroling Together & Christmas Celebrations – Sold Out

2025 O St. NW
Washington, DC 20036
The event is sold out!
No tickets available at the door.
Please Join the Kosciuszko Foundation Holiday Festivities!
Come to our traditional singalong with Polish and American Christmas Carols accompanied by our beloved pianist, Martin Labazevitch.
We will invite you to a short performance of the folk group Slaveya – a women’s vocal ensemble featuring Eastern European folk music.
Slaveya sings traditional and sacred songs from the orthodox traditions of the Balkans, Caucasus and beyond. Read more about Slaveya here:
We will also treat you to a traditional Polish Christmas Meal, such as sauerkraut pierogies, red borsch with dumplings, holiday desserts, and more.
We will start at 6:00pm with greetings and sharing traditional Polish opłatek (Christmas Wafer).
This is a very popular event. Please reserve your spot by RSVP by Thursday, December 14th. as our space is limited.
Tickets: Non-member: $45.00
KF Member: $35.00