Caroling Together and Traditional Polish Holiday Meal – Christmas Celebration at the KF Washington DC

SATURDAY, December 21 | 5:00 PM
2025 O Street, NW, Washington, DC
Please Join us at the Kosciuszko Foundation Washington DC Center for our Holiday Festivities!
Come to our traditional singalong
of Polish and American Carols & Christmas songs,
accompanied by pianist Martin Labazevitch.
We will start at 5:00 PM with greetings and sharing traditional Polish opłatek (Christmas Wafer)
We will treat you to the most popular Polish holiday specialties:
- barszcz z uszkami (red borsch with dumplings)
- pierogi z kapustą (saurkraut pierogies)
- pierogi z ziemniakami i serem (pierogies with patatoes and cheese)
- holiday treats, and more.
Join Us in a Holiday Spirit!
Tickets: Non-member: $45/KF Member: $35
This is a very popular event by RSVP only.