Petition on Kosciuszko House

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that President Trump's cuts will shutter the National Kosciuszko Museum. This is where Kosciuszko met with Thomas Jefferson and others to discuss ending slavery, the future of America's military and other issues.
We ask President Trump to reverse his budget decision to close the Tadeusz Kosciuszko museum in Philadelphia. UNESCO has declared 2017 the “Year of Kosciuszko” because he is a worldwide hero.
During the American Revolution, Kosciuszko devised the strategy that won the Battle of Saratoga, the turning point of the war. He also designed and built Fortress West Point, and despite Benedict Arnold’s attempt to sell these plans to the British, Kosciuszko prevailed and persuaded Thomas Jefferson to turn the Fortress into the United States Military Academy.
Kosciuszko fought for the rights of Americans, European-Serfs, African-Slaves, Jews, Native-Americans, Women and all who were disenfranchised. His vision of liberty for all is not one that can be shuttered by budget cuts. Instead, Kosciuszko’s story should be taught in American schools.
That is why we the undersigned ask President Trump to restore these cuts to the museum.
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