Your support is equally crucial as Albert Einstein’s!
To understand the world one must not be worrying about one's self. ― Albert Einstein
Cheers, and welcome to the New Year!
As we enter this new year, we would like to reminisce on an essential event in the early years of the Kosciuszko Foundation. Since its inception, the KF has awarded a considerable amount of scholarships and grants to graduate students, scholars, scientists, professionals, and artists, and promotes Polish culture in the U.S. The Foundation has provided a forum to Poles who have changed history.
In May 1943, on the 400th Anniversary of the death of Nicholas Copernicus, the Kosciuszko Foundation held a series of lectures and commemorative programs, including one at Carnegie Hall, at which Albert Einstein was the principal speaker. After a further introduction to the KF’ mission, Albert Einstein acknowledged the organization and its founder, Stephan Mizwa as a crucial benefactor and educator of young people.
Albert Einstein encouraged our philanthropic mission by stating, “To understand the world one must not be worrying about oneself”. We should not be indifferent. The Kosciuszko Foundation always has and will support the education of talented Polish scholars. Stephen Mizwa’s vision was simple, to build an educational and cultural bridge between the two countries.
Your membership is vital to the fulfillment of the KF’s mission and the realization of our goals. Please, help to further the mission of the Kosciuszko Foundation’s founder – Stephen Mizwa (in Polish Stefan Mierzwa) by becoming a member or renewing your membership. Your support is equally crucial as Albert Einstein’s!
The Copernican Quadricentennial, May 1943
From left Stephen Mizwa, the founder of the KF, Dr. Henry Noble McCracken, and Professor Albert Einstein,