Last Call to Apply for KF Exchange Program to the US! Learn More Details & Useful Tools

Apply for KF Exchange Program to the US HERE
Application deadline: November 15th, 2024
Useful Tools on Applying:
Academic Exchange to the USA – Interview on the KF Exchange Program to the US originally published on the portal
Who can go on a scientific stay in the USA?
Kacper Kondracki, Communications and Promotion Specialist at the Dobra Sieć Foundation:
To start, could you tell us a bit about the Kosciuszko Foundation scholarship?
How does the academic exchange to the USA work, what is it called, and what exactly does it involve?
Małgorzata Szymańska, Program and Operations Manager at the Kosciuszko Foundation:
The program we’re talking about is called the “Exchange Program to the US.” Its origins date back to 1925, making it one of the Foundation’s oldest scholarship programs. It is an academic and cultural exchange program aimed at Polish citizens who wish to conduct research or teach at universities in the United States. Our greatest strength is our openness to all fields of study—from the humanities and social sciences to natural sciences and the arts.
Right, from what I’ve read, you accept applicants from all fields of science, from mathematics to linguistics. Is that true, and what benefits come from such diversity?
Exactly. We are open to every discipline. Last year, 38 people received scholarships, representing 20 different disciplines – from fine arts to philosophy, history, and even medical sciences. This diversity makes the program extremely attractive to many researchers. Our goal is to promote Polish science in the United States while also supporting international exchanges of experience.
Does age or career stage matter? What are the selection criteria?
What sets us apart is the lack of age restrictions and flexibility regarding the career stage. This isn’t just a one-size-fits-all scientific exchange to the USA. We have three main categories: KF Grants, KF Fellowships, and KF Teaching Fellowships. KF Grants are for doctoral students and young researchers, while KF Fellowships are for more experienced researchers who already hold a PhD or professorial title. This way, we avoid comparing young scientists with seasoned professors, giving everyone an equal chance.
Exchange to the USA. Increase your chances!
Can you tell us more about the application process? What are the key steps and what should applicants pay attention to?
The application is submitted online. A key part of the application is choosing a host institution in the USA and getting an invitation from them. The institution and the research project are evaluated first. It’s often best to choose a place where the applicant already has contacts or knows someone who can help. Of course, rather than focusing on the prestige of the university, we prioritize finding an institution that aligns with the applicant’s research topic.
You mentioned an invitation from an American university. How does this process work? Is it difficult to find such an institution?
In most cases, our scholarship recipients already have some connections in the USA – from conferences, research collaborations, or recommendations from former scholarship holders. However some people directly approach universities with a proposal for collaboration and are accepted. It’s also worth getting in touch with our alumni association, which helps with building relationships.
How to organize a trip to the USA?
What about scholars who don’t have these contacts but are really interested in the scientific exchange to the USA? What advice do you have for them?
The best solution is to boldly send inquiries to universities and reach out to our former scholarship holders, who can offer advice and provide contacts. Building a network of connections is important, and don’t be afraid to send requests for collaboration.
Tell us a bit more about the research plan. What should applicants focus on when creating such a project?
The research plan is a short document – only 500 words – so it must be very precise. I recommend dividing it into three key questions: What do we want to do? How do we plan to do it? What will be the benefits of the project? It’s also important to specify the time needed for the project. Some projects last 3 to 6 months, and teaching projects may take up to 9 months. The committee evaluates whether the applicant truly needs the amount of time indicated in the application.
I’m impressed by how well-organized the Kosciuszko Foundation’s Exchange Program to the USA is. From the application process to the final report, everything is carefully thought out. When advising my friends to apply for this scholarship, I always emphasize how well it’s structured.
Artur Kula, recipient of the Exchange to the US Scholarship 2023/24
How to get a scholarship to the United States?
Does the recruitment process differ for students and professors?
The recruitment process is very similar for both groups. Both students and professors must submit similar documents, such as a CV, a motivation letter, and a research plan. Additionally, students need to provide proof of their student status, while professors must submit proof of employment at a university. The difference comes in the evaluation of the projects. The committee takes into account the specific needs of both students and more experienced scientists, so expectations for candidates may differ.
What are the most important criteria for evaluating projects? What should applicants pay attention to?
First and foremost, the project must be clear and accessible, even if it concerns a very specialized field. The committee consists of experts from various disciplines, so the project should be understandable to people outside of the specific discipline. It’s also important that the research plan is well-justified and that the applicant demonstrates they have the necessary expertise and competence to carry out the project. We strive to ensure that evaluators are as close to the specific discipline as possible, but this isn’t always possible, so the overall accessibility of the project is crucial.
What about recommendation letters? This is an element that often raises questions for applicants.
Recommendation letters are a very important part of the application. We require three letters, one of which must come from someone outside the applicant’s home university. The letters must be sent from official email addresses, which allows us to verify them. It’s worth noting that it’s not necessary for all recommendations to come from abroad – although if someone has that option, they should certainly take advantage of it. It’s also important that AT LEAST ONE of the recommenders is familiar with the project, as this gives the committee a fuller picture of the applicant.
How to spend your scientific stay in the United States?
It’s also worth thinking about networking during your stay, right? Networking seems key, especially in the US.
Absolutely. Networking in the US is an essential element of success. Scholarship recipients often return to the US for future projects thanks to the relationships they built during their stay. This significantly facilitates subsequent scientific collaboration and the publication of joint articles.
Why choose the United States specifically? What makes the academic culture in the US stand out?
The academic culture in the US differs from that in Poland. Scholarship recipients often emphasize that in the US, you can freely ask questions, make mistakes, and engage in discussions. They are surprised by the openness of professors. American universities offer a fresh perspective on research, and the stay itself often provides researchers with a chance to recharge and gain new energy for their work. Our reports show that all our scholarship recipients are thrilled with their experience – we have 100% positive feedback!
That’s amazing – it’s rare to see that level of satisfaction in any field! What’s your overall assessment of the scholarship recipients’ impressions? What are the greatest benefits they gain from participating in the program?
The greatest benefit is certainly expanding one’s horizons. A scientific exchange in the US changes how you see the world. Our scholarship recipients return with new ideas, contacts, and renewed energy for further work. Moreover, they often emphasize that their stay in the US isn’t just an academic adventure, but also an opportunity for personal growth. Additionally, the scholarship is free from unnecessary bureaucracy – we don’t require detailed financial reports, which is a big relief for researchers.
From my experience, the United States is a country where motivated and capable individuals can access unlimited development opportunities. You just need to show your willingness, commitment, and diligence. We should also get rid of any complexes – in my opinion, as employees of Polish research institutions, we don’t have any less education or knowledge than American scientists.
Dr. Aleksandra Pawła, recipient of the Exchange to the US Scholarship 2023/24
How the Kosciuszko Foundation supports Exchange to the US scholarship recipients
Going on a scholarship to the USA is a significant logistical and emotional challenge. How do the scholarship recipients cope with acclimatization?
Indeed, for many participants, it can be a big step, but the United States is a very open and welcoming place. The American academic culture is extremely inclusive, and our scholarship recipients often share how quickly they made connections with local scientists and students. They’ve been invited to American football games, baseball games, and other social events. All of this makes the adaptation process go relatively smoothly, and the scholarship recipients feel very much at home.
Does the Foundation support its scholarship recipients after they arrive in the US?
Absolutely. First of all, we encourage participation in events organized by local branches of the Kosciuszko Foundation, especially in New England, where we are very active. Additionally, recipients can connect through a special Facebook group, where they can share experiences and advice. It’s also worth noting that we organize an annual ceremony in May in Warsaw before the recipients depart for the US, where everyone has the opportunity to meet. This is the most important event of the year for us.
Kosciuszko Foundation Events
Do you organize any other events?
Yes, we invite scholarship recipients to our grand Foundation ball, which takes place every year in April in New York at the legendary Plaza Hotel. It’s a great opportunity to meet and talk with people connected to the Foundation and make new contacts. However, organizing more meetings is challenging because our scholarship recipients arrive in the US at different times and are scattered across the country. That’s why we strongly encourage everyone to attend the May ceremony in Warsaw when all the recipients are still in Poland.
What advice do you have for future applicants?
First and foremost – don’t wait until the last minute! Applying at the last minute often causes problems, especially with recommendation letters. It’s better to take care of the formalities in advance and monitor your progress. It’s also important to focus on the quality of the research project – it’s the key factor in the final assessment. And of course, you can always reach out to us with any questions. We respond quickly to emails and are happy to help resolve any doubts.
It sounds like a true adventure, not just scientific but also life-changing. Thank you for the conversation and the inspiring tips. I hope many young scientists will take advantage of this unique opportunity!
Thank you as well, and I warmly invite everyone interested to apply. It’s truly a chance for an unforgettable experience that can have a lasting impact on your entire career!