About us

The Kosciuszko Foundation is dedicated to promoting educational and cultural exchanges between the United States and Poland and to increasing American understanding of Polish culture and history.
Founded in 1925, on the eve of the 150th anniversary of Thaddeus Kosciuszko's enlistment in the American revolutionary cause, the Foundation is a national not-for-profit, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian organization.
The Foundation's work reaches audiences throughout the United States, through its headquarters in New York City, its Washington DC Center, and its regional Chapters in Chicago, Denver (Rocky Mountain), Sarasota (Florida), Houston (Texas), Orchard Lake (Michigan), Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Springfield (New England), Buffalo (Western New York State), Ohio (Cleveland) as well as through its National Advisory Council.
The Kosciuszko Foundation is a membership organization, which is supported by contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals who share the Foundation's mission of fostering the relations and understanding between the United States and Poland.
Mission & History
In 1926, the first scholarship brought nine students from Poland to study at American universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Columbia, and also sent an American professor to teach at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

The KF House
The Kosciuszko Foundation's Center in Washington D.C. promotes appreciation of Polish heritage in America and encourages cooperation between the United States and Poland.
A showcase for Polish arts and information about Polonia and Poland conveniently located in downtown Washington, DC, the Kosciuszko Foundation's Washington, D.C. Center provides a venue for local Polish-American events through a wide range of activities, including films, concerts, exhibitions, educational programs, publications, and seminars; and uses its website to provide information on activities, collections and topics of interest to those who love and are interested in Poland.
We try to document everything on an ongoing basis, from everyday activities to large events. Check how we do it now and what has happened in the past in our archive material:

The KF Poland
Jesteśmy odrębną organizacją, jednak silnie związaną z USA. Nasza Fundacja powstała z inicjatywy Rady Dyrektorów The Kosciuszko Foundation Inc. w Nowym Jorku i to we współpracy z amerykańską fundacją realizujemy większość działań. Choć wyrastamy z wieloletniej tradycji ciągle się zmieniamy, szukając inspirujących sposobów na łączenie Polaków z Amerykanami. Najlepszym źródłem tych więzi jest wspólna kultura, a wraz z nią nauka, medycyna, technologie, język. Wokół tych obszarów rozwijamy nowe projekty.
Our Partners
The Kosciuszko Foundation is dedicated to promoting educational and cultural exchanges between the United States and Poland and increasing American understanding of Polish culture and history.